Word defers any footnotes in the row to the page where the row ends. You could also have problems if the text of your document is within a large table in which a single table row extends for several pages. Some users have reported large discrepancies between what is displayed in Print Layout view and what shows up in Print Preview. Take a look at your thesis in Print Preview and see if your footnotes all show up there. You should also not assume that what you see in Print Layout view is equivalent to what you will see when you actually print your document. They may still be visible in some views of your document, but wouldn't be visible in Print Preview if you are looking at the "final" document with markup taken into account. It is possible, if it is turned on, that you've actually deleted some of your footnotes. You'll also want to check to make sure that Track Changes isn't turned on. Are some of your footnotes formatted as Hidden text? If they are and you have Word configured to not print Hidden text, the footnotes will not be visible in Print Preview. First, you should check the obvious formatting-related issues. Jackie wonders what is causing the problem. She can view them in Normal view, but she needs to also view them in Page Layout view so she can ultimately print them out.

It seems that some of the footnotes in the first chapter of her Ph.D. For technical assistance contact EndNote Technical Support.Jackie is having a problem with the footnotes in a document.

Endnote toolbar not visible in microsoft word 2011 for mac Patch#
The patch will become automatically available after successful installation of X7. NOTE: There was a compatibility issue with EndNote X7 and the MacIntosh OS Sierra which has been corrected in the latest version X8.Ī Cite While You Write patch is available for EndNote X7 that addresses the compatibility issue with Office 2016/Office 365 on Macintosh .